Sustainability at Blip

We are proud of our efforts to cultivate the coffee and bike community to provide a space for everyone to enjoy both together. At the same time, we’re always looking for new ways to reduce our environmental impact while working to ensure a positive future for our local and global communities. We're just getting started, but our current efforts include;

  • converting the building to LED lighting

  • tinting our windows

  • using biodegradable coffee bags

  • using recyclable coffee boxes

  • composting coffee grounds and food waste

  • using “sip lids” to reduce straw usage

  • recycling our glass

  • having merch and coffee boxes screen printed a few blocks away

  • encouraging folks to bring in their own cups

  • purchasing as much as possible from local suppliers

Local Partners:

Fountain City Tinting

Voss Lighting

Astra Watt Solar

Compost Collective

Normal Human

Thank you, Kansas City, for helping us evolve and be better for the West Bottoms community and beyond. If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact us.

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