Winterizing Your Bike!

As the colder months approach in the Midwest, and you’re thinking to yourself that it’s time to put the bike up for the season, it's important to take care in properly storing your  bikes and perform preventative maintenance to ensure they are ready to hit the road again in the spring.

Proper storage is crucial to prevent damage to your motorcycle during the winter. If possible, store your motorcycle in a garage or other sheltered area to protect it from the elements. If you don't have access to a garage, you can use a heavy-duty motorcycle cover to protect your bike from snow, ice, and freezing temperatures.

Before storing your motorcycle, it's a good idea to clean it thoroughly. This will help prevent corrosion and other damage that can occur when dirt and debris are left on the bike. Pay particular attention to the drivetrain and other metal parts, as these are most susceptible to rust and corrosion.

In addition to cleaning your motorcycle, you should also perform some basic preventative maintenance. This includes things like changing the oil, checking the tire pressure, and inspecting the brake pads and other wear items. Whether you prefer storing your bike topped off with fuel and fuel stabilizer or stored dry, this is also an important step in mid to long term storage. These tips will help ensure that your motorcycle is in good working order when you take it out of storage in the spring.

Another important consideration is the battery. If you plan to store your motorcycle for an extended period of time, you should remove the battery and store it separately. This will prevent the battery from losing its charge and reduce the risk of damage. If you don't have the means to remove the battery, be sure to hook it up to a battery tender to keep it charged while it's in storage.

Finally, it's a good idea to check your motorcycle's owner's manual for any specific storage recommendations. Different motorcycles may have unique requirements, and following the manufacturer's guidelines will help ensure that your bike stays in good condition throughout the winter.

To recap, proper storage and preventative maintenance are key to keeping your motorcycle in good condition during the winter months. By following the tips outlined above, you can help ensure that your motorcycle is ready to hit the road again when the weather warms up.

Rebecca DreyfusComment